Dromara Hilly 125km

🏷 cycling

Rode the Dromara Hilly 125 today after much debate, woke to pleasant morning so I had no more excuses. Not having made any travel arrangements with the club I drove down on my own and was pleased that Eric, Ian, Trevor, Noel, Harry and the Old Pro (Brian) had also made the trip, content now that I would have some good wheels to sit on I started looking forward to the days ride.

About to start the Hilly 125

9:30 on the dot we all set off . A large group quickly formed and the pace was just about right, some how we managed to take a wrong turn but it didn’t matter as everyone made the same mistake, after retracing our steps we were quickly back on track and fast approaching the dreaded Cornmill. A short steep climb that usually causes mayhem as riders select wrong gears etc. but no such trouble for our group, but I was on the limit. The next big climb of the day was fast approaching, Dree Hill a long climb with a steady gradient no real problems here, Ian and the Old Pro where waiting at the top so I stopped with them and waited for Eric and Harry who had unfortunately punctured at the bottom.

On towards the lunch stop but first we had to ascend Windy Gap I was really struggling here but made it to the top and waited with Ian and the Old Pro for the others, and the long decent to Leitrim and a well deserved lunch.

Spelga was the next long hard climb and as we got to the foot the rain came on, although it was so warm on the hill that the rain was nearly welcome. I was determined not to let Ian get too far a head on Spelga so digging deep I managed to keep him within  reasonable distance. Once we passed the dam and on to the main road we regrouped once again and Eric took some pics.

The worst of climbs behind us it was just a matter of getting the head down and following the torcherous route back to Dromara Rugby Club for food and refreshment. Although wrecked I had a really good day just hope to be fitter for next year.