Da Cooley Thriller Mtb XC Marathon 2009

🏷 mtb race

Having stumbled across this event on the web, I thought I would mention it to Marty, big mistake “always wanted to do one of those”  was his immediate reaction and that was it we were now fully committed. I spent the rest of the week looking for an excuse not to go but no really good one came to mind so on Friday I found myself checking over the BeOne for the adventure to follow.

Saturday morning came all too soon, (not getting to bed until 2:00 had something to do with this) a fine calm morning at that. Off we set arriving in Carlingford just before 8:00 I quickly paid my €20 incase I decided to spectate.


Got the bikes out of the car and got are selves changed, looked at all the expensive bikes around us while waiting for the rider briefing and then the start. 9:30 on the dot on came the rain, down came the mist and more second thoughts but at least it was still quite warm.

Marty Getting Ready

The rider briefing finished of we set behind the lead car which took us through the village to the start of the race. 140 riders of all ages and abilities charged down the first part of the course everyone trying to find their own pace, I started passing a few slower riders and trying  to keep Marty in my sights, then disaster a puncture.

Removed a huge thorn from the rear tyre, replaced the tube, refitted the tyre blew it up and 15 mins later and pretty much in last place of I went, soon catching the slower riders. I now had the added problem of trying to pass people on narrow woodland tracks, the easiest way was when they qued up at obstacles trying to ride over them I simply ran past them. A quick trip over the bars and I decide to pace myself a little better and I was now in more open country.

We where quickly gaining hight and as we did the mist thickened considerably untill all you could see was about 30 feet  ahead. A long road section followed, very steep and boring, then off road again and the first walking of the day over a very rocky section, and finally past the mast and on to the first bottle drop 15km compleated an already nackered.

A lot of descending followed made all the more difficult by the thick mist but at least the rain had stopped. Gaining too much speed on a particularly steep moorland descent I had my second and final crash of the day resulting on a nice bruise on my bum. This section was very long with a lot of climbing and some walking,  but I was still passing other riders, just.  At this stage I had pretty much made up my mind that at the second and final bottle drop I would abandon and find the easy way back by road, I was also having a few twinges of cramp something I rarely suffer.

After a torcherous descent on a very narrow track suddenly I was on a road, but I could not for the life of me remember which side to ride on, luckily along came a car and saved me any further embarrassment. I now realised that it was probably as far back by road as it was to follow the course to the finish, so off  I went to the last bottle drop  22 miles done.

Out of drink I borrowed some water and off  I went, the sun finally making an appearance and off came the arm warmers. Cramp was now a major problem having to use low gears and walk was the only way to finish, at least the terrain was not so severe, wide grassy tracks and a moderate gradient but much of this had to be walked due to cramp.

Carlingford Lough

Final Descent to Carlingford

Finally, I crested the final climb and was awarded with fantastic view of Carlingford lough and the Mourne Mountians. A long steep fast descent brought me to the finish just outside Carlingford. Finished 87th 04:48:43 Marty was a creditable 51st 04:04:00 The winner was Robin Seymour 02:45:00 first Vet was Mick Jordan 03:22:00