Murlough Bay Dundrum

🏷 walk

We decided to go for a walk today, and after great debate I decided on Murlough Bay just outside Dundrum. So off we set just after 10:00 rather later than I would have like, but that’s the price of indecision. Arrived in the car park just before 11:00 and off we set.


Well what a surprise as we set off through the sand dunes, a board walk lead us to the beach, and fantastic views of the Mourne Mountains towering over Newcastle. High tide meant difficult walking along the stony beech. Although he route is to cut in land and through the massive dunes towards Murlough House, we decided to stay on the beech and walk all the way round the bay. This proved to be a good decision as we had fantastic views of Dundrum and Sleive Croob mountain. Next time we come down here we will explore the dunes and the Murlough Nature Reserve.

Just over two hours later we arrived back at the car, feeling very hungry. On the way back to Dundrum we called into the Bucks Head for lunch, and luckily they had a cancellation and we enjoyed a lovely lunch and a beer.

Flo and I had to leave Lotti at home this time as on Wednesday she had her Cruciate ligament replaced. This means that for the next weeks/months she’s on light duties, causing us lots of grief.

lotti stitches