Big Month for Miles

🏷 cycling travel

April is traditionally a month of big mileage, or at least has been since our club started going to Mallorca for a weeks Cycling.

This year was no exception I managed almost 800 miles before our departure on Sat 24th, however I only managed one ride over 80 miles, the bulk being around 40 - 50 miles.

Suddenly all our training looked to have been in vain as a volcano erupted in Iceland and closed most of european air space for nearly a week, leaving many people stranded abroad and many loosing holidays completely, however our luck held and the wind changed direction blowing volcanic ash away, and so on the 24 our flight departed Belfast for Palma.

For the first time ever Flo and I hired bikes. After doing all the checking in stuff we grabbed a bus to Port de Pollenta and collected the bikes from Procyclehire. A quick stop at the supermarket and back to the hotel for some adjustment to the bikes, very little was need and once my computer was fixed we went for a drink and food. In all the hire bikes worked out well (only Flo got a shorter stem) it was more expensive but much less hassle if I hire again I would try for a better bike, it is worth noting that no one had any trouble with bikes on the flights.

Once again Paul’s run where spot on if slightly faster than last year, the only downer was Mark Watson crashing on day 2 and dislocating his shoulder, finishing his weeks cycling early but thankfully not bring anyone else down with him. For me the best run of the week was Marty & Noel’s Orient and Puig d’alaro run. The run started as normal with us going the wrong way, which ment we went to Bunyola first  had a coffee in the square and then on to Orient and the excellent descent to Alaro. The problems arose when Marty thought it would be good to go for lunch in one of the two restaurants on the Puig d’alaro. Turning off the main road we were greeted with winding twisting climb up the side of a mountain on the worst road in Mallorca, we eventually stopped at the first restaurant after 4 km of very hard climbing, with at least as far to go to the next restaurant we decided enough was enough and we settled in for lunch. Part way down the decent Noel’s front tyre exploded due I’m sure to heat build up with his carbon rims. Getting lost again on the way home just seemed to add to the days fun.

Flo took two runs this year, one a short recover run of 45 mile with two coffee stops, although the first stop in sta Margalida was slightly more novel regarding the food on offer. Basically we ended up buying a 3 course meal for €7 including drinks! Flo’s second run was on the last full day, and lunch in Sineu’s top square where we settled on coffee from the bar a cake to die for from the bakery next door, then to Sa Pobla for more coffee and cakes.

Flo’s recovery run


The famous buns

All in all a very successful trip this year with one of the largest groups yet 40 people in all. Each day 4 different runs went out and this ment there was something for everyone, and know one was under pressure to ride at a level they didn’t want.

Sun 25th 04:49:47 88.22 Randa

Mon 26th 05:26:27 87.54 Lemon Rd Campanet Selva Llosseta Alaro Binnissalem Consell Santa Maria Del Cami Bunyola Sollor Puig Major Lluc Port de Pollentia

Tue 27th 03:44:03 59.18 Lemon Rd Campanet Selva Llosseta Alaro Binnissalem Alaro Lossetta Selva Liuc Port de Pollentia

Wed 28th 03:22:48 45.29 Pollentia Can Picaford sta Margalida Muro Sa Pobla Buger Camponet Pollentia

Thu 29th 05:51:08 89.65 Lemon Rd Campanet Selva Llosseta Alaro Binnissalem Consell Santa Maria Del Cami Bunyola Orient Plug d’alaro Lloseta Selva Moscori Inca Buger Sa Pobla Reed Rd Port de Pollentia

Fri 30th 03:39:14 52.08 Pollentia Can Picaford sta Margalida Sineu Llubi Sa Pobla Alcudia Pollentia

So 420 miles later a week of unbroken sunshine and temperatures between 20c - 25c April was once again a big mileage month with 1200 in the bag.