Noel's Half-Term Report

🏷 cycling

Well, its the halfway point in the trip and time to reflect on the journey so far. When planning this trip my main concern was not the huge daily mileage but the weather and in particular the wind.  My concern was justified as the strong winds played a role in our progress and morale….

An early start saw 5 riders leave from Ards Town Hall, battling south westerly winds, but by the end of the day, in Wicklow, we had lost 1 rider who returned the following morning by train. Is this the end of his journey ?  watch this space

Unknown to me at this time on Day 1 Keith was also close to abandoning but, thankfully, he dug deep and continued.

Days 2 & 3 were more of the same cross winds eventually becoming a head wind as we travelled along the south of the island.  A trend was already being set - “Where’s Martyn? - LATE again !”

Peter was getting stronger day by day which showed each time he rode on the front - we eventually discovered that he was taking a gel at the back before doing his whack  - his gel addiction is now being closely monitored !!!

As for me, as trip organiser I was always there to be shot down - if the accommodation was poor, if I got lost  etc. SO I deliberately took a wrong turn coming out of Dublin - just to test the water !!!  It took two days before I heard the end of it.

Meanwhile Flo was keeping us well fed and watered in between reacquainting herself with family and friends from Wexford, Cork & Clon.  Her contacts worked to our advantage as friends from Cork joined us on Day 4 - Skibbereen via Mizen to Killarney.  John from Speedy Spokes cycle shop was duly forced to ride on the front for most of the day, while Mairead joined Flo as the “trip tiffosi” - photos every 10k and at the top of each climb.

So today, Wednesday, we are sitting tight in Killarney - I say sitting but some prefer to stand - you can work that out for yourselves !

We had a celebratory meal last night washed down with the mandatory Guinness, of course!  Its off now for a gentle spin / walk and generally recharge our batteries for the next four days - Martyn wanted to do the Ring of Kerry on the rest day but is happy now with a gently stroll.

Good luck to the guys at the weekend on the Ras Donegal !