Garth's Visit

🏷 diary

Garth arrive at the City Airport on the 31 Jan for a week long visit. We didn’t do much on wed except sort out the software on his laptop, I removed all the travel Councilers stuff, and added Thunderbird etc.

Thursday I went cycling, Garth and Flo met me in the coffee shop in Ballywalter. He caught up with some of the guys he hasen’t seen in a few years, while I rode home he went for a run. After showering and recovering we went to Daft Eddies for a meal, as usual the food was great, and the pints went down a treat.

Garth’s cheque arrived Friday afternoon so we change plans and went to the bank and then spent the rest of the afternoon in the Openhouse coffee shop. That night we watched TT Closer to the Edge.

The weather on Saturday morning was not conducive to cycling, so we done Decathlon, Chainreaction, Lakeland and Pets at home. Came home and watched the rugby, snoozed and then called in on May and Carol’s. They where in good form and the wine and cheese went down great. Back home and we watched Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy.

Cycling and running got Sunday morning going, a quick visit to comber then home for lunch and we watched the Ireland game on the telly. Zen was the destination for our evening meal and very nice it was. We stuck to our tried and test format of getting the set meal and the food was super as we have come to expect.

Monday Garth and I called to Brown’s to see about the head stone but no one was there to help so that was left for another time. Garth wanted to go to Castle Espie for coffee and who was I to argue, the weather was fantastic so we took some photos and then drove round to whiterock and home.

Took Garth to the Airport on Tuesday morning and all to soon his trip was over, hopefully next time G & H will come together.