Cork and Dromoland Castle

🏷 diary travel

Travelled down to Cork on Wed 6th the journey was quite easy apart for the horrendous showers. As we were staying with John & Mairead it was straight to Carrigaline and a bit of a chat with J & M .

Next morning we visited Oakdene met with the Kearneys and Flo’s mum then to Cork for some Shopping. I go a Nice Cycling top and Flo bought some ecco shoes we also got a Sony USB dvd drive . That evening we had Chips from KC’s with the Kearneys and Florence Sr.

Friday back shopping while Flo had her legs waxed I looked at Mobile WiFi devices. After coffee we purchased one from 3. It seems a good job so far with good connection and download speeds. Man Fridays in Kinsale with J & M for food and the some Pubs, all of which where unseasonably quite a result of the recession me thinks.

Saturday arrived too fast and the reason we where here in the first place, The Big Wedding in Dromoland Castle . We picked Florence Sr and Shelia the the drive to Limerick. We arrived at the church in good time and luckly the weather was lovely. Nice church and a not bad service which was quite short. Finally we arrived at the Castle. The reception was very good and the food was great I had a rare steak.