Aquablue New Club

🏷 cycling travel

A pre Christmas trip to Cork was the order of the day, arriving late afternoon we quickly got settled and then went to the Silver Key for a meal with Flo’s Mother.

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Sunday morning and I had planned a ride out with John. As is the norm with John all is not what it seem and he has a test the next day, and only wanted a short easy ride, but he had made arrangements for me to go with his new club Aqua Blue. We meet at the Finger Post and I got a good 70 mile workout.

Lalquilla with John and Mairead for food and drinks and general catch up.

Monday was Cork day for coffee and shopping, Flo and her Mother went to a RSA coffee morning while I wandered round he city trying not to spend any money. We meet up later for more coffee and the I had a call from Garth to tell me Helena’s Father had Died and they where making plans to come home for the funeral and then over to us for Christmas.

Tuesday and the long drive home, which turned out to be not too bad as the traffic was light and we made good time without rushing.