Busy Sunday

🏷 computing

Started off the day in the garden raking up leaves, and then we cut back the honeysuckle and found a fancy mushroom growing under the bush.

I have been hearing a strange noise from kzone, so I finally ran smartctl on it and to my horror discovered that all the drives where showing errors. I decided to replace the drive containing the OS straight away, which ment a trip to PC World for a new WD 500GB HD but coffee in Castle Espie was more inportant and being Sunday the shops hadn’t yet opened.

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After coffee first stop was PC World then Bloomfield which was packed, Flo did her thing and we got OTF and back home. First thing I did when I got home was to order a second HD to replace the other 3 dodgy dics.

I used Clonezilla to clone the new disc and installed it straight away, kzone booted up no problem. Then it dawned on me that I was not using all the new drive as it was twice the size of the old one, so I downloaded the live version of gparted and booted it deleted the swap space and resized the root partition and recreated the swap space, rebooted and all good.

Finaly sitting down and watching crap on the TV