New Years Day

🏷 cycling

Garth and Helena went back home on Saturday morning, after the normal dire service we have come to expect in our airports. So Flo and I went back to bed, well Flo did I did some things on the computer related to this blog, oh yes just rembered I changed the YAML front matter to suit the Jekyll blog software that I intend to use. Then we dandered down the town and had coffee. The rest of the day I think we lazed around and watched TV.

It was still windy on Sunday so we went to Castle Espie and enjoyed coffee and the view, can’t rember what we did the rest of the day but I think it in involved watching TV and snacking.

Poor old Flo had to go back to work today so I sorted all the 2012 photos in Ligthroom backed them all up to the various devices etc. Then I moved every thing starting with our first digital pics up the end of 2012 to Amazon Glazer. Hopefuly this will reduce costs. Finaly we saw in the New Year with Jools Holand’s Hoot n Nany.

First nice Day since Christmas Day so we slept late and eventually went for a cycle first one of the year. I meet Flo just outside Greyabbey and we tried Hoops but they where close so we rode down to Harrisons and had coffee their, it was very busy but we spotted Terry and Susan who where about to leave so we joined them anyway. The wind had started to pick up when we left and rain looked a distnct posability, but we made it home dry, only just as the rain soon arrived and it was very heavy.

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