Goodbye January Hello Cork

🏷 travel cycling

Finally January has given way to February and not soon enough as far as I am concerned, the weather has been appalling wet dull and cold and that was a good day, in fact it was the dullest Jan for 50yrs in some parts of the country.

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The drive down was not great due to heavy traffic, and a couple of accidents so it was 21:00 when we arrived starving but more of that later.

Saturday turned out to be a lovely bright cold day so after breakfast we went into Cork City for a look around and a nice coffee in insomnia. I treated myself to a travel coffee press.

Saturday evening and the real reason for our trip which was to attend a church service for Flo’s father who died today five years a go. No one else appeared at the service so we went to the New Luyan on our own.

Cycling has been a real chore but things looked better on Sunday 3rd in Cork a mild if over cast day but dry no wind the best day in ages for a ride. I meet with John and some other guys from the Aquablue club and we rode to Bandon, Kinsale Carrigaline and back to Cork a nice run.

Sunday afternoon and we visited Patrick, Sarah and Nora.

Flo had arranged to meet up with John and Mairead in Barry’s for dinner and a catch up, we had a nice meal and a chat, as usual solving the worlds problems.