The Longest 90 Days

🏷 travel

Didn’t get this month off to a good start, Flo was due back form Italy with her Mother on Saturday so I Drove down to Dublin to pick them up and then continued on to Cork.

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All went well until I went to bed on Saturday night and I managed to catch my little toe on Lotti’s stool, sore wouldn’t even start to describe what I felt. A trip to Ards Casualty on the way home confirmed a broken toe.

As this was Flo’s last month working for RSA it was mainly taken up getting the Car ready, fitting a tow bar, wiring tow bar and fixing the heater. Also Ronda was due MOT so checked her over and luckily she went through without a Problem.

After about 10 days off the bike I was able to ride again with out too much pain. Later in the month Marty and I got 100 miler in around the Mournes.

The Coastal Challenge was the next event on the calendar and for the first time we sold out 1000 places before the closing date after a slow start. The day passed without incident, and possibly the best weather in several years.

The rest of our time was taken up getting ready for Flo’s impending retirement, paying off our loans and most importantly the Mortgage.

When the day finally came we went to Roma’s for a few drinks and a nice meal. This brought to end the 90 day notice period which seemed to drag along at an unbelievably slow pace.