Where did July Go

🏷 travel

If the last 90 odd days dragged by then July went at the blink of an eye. Testing the new bike rack on the new car, then our annual trip to Wexford and a spin to Cork thrown in for good measure. {{ more }}

The car went through it’s MOT and got a new timing belt, then we discovered a broken radiator housing which was fixed under warranty. To test the car etc. we went on a trip with our bikes to the River Quoile where we had a nice spin on a warm but windy day and everything worked fine so we where now ready for Our Wexford/Cork trip.

Wexford was mad to say the least, wall to wall kids, and adults all under the age of five but the children where pretty well behaved even Lotti use them to her advantage. Flo and I did a nice run to Kilmore Quay by bike, we walked at Curra Cloe and coffee in the Stable Diet, and to end a great week a meal in the Emerald Garden.

On the 17th we left for Cork fab day very warm. As expected cork was slightly more stressful. First off we had a new fridge to buy, no problems there bought and delivered the next day, and easily installed.

Got Florence Sr a new tablet to replace the broken one, purged the data from the old one and set up the new tablet. Man Friday’s for a meal which was very enjoyable.

Sat and Flo dragged me off to Gill’s to see the new baby. The we went into Cork City and the heavens opened after waiting 20 minutes we decided to put on our wet gear and brave it some of the city was flooded but it was very warm.

Flo had spoken to John the previous night an left him to plan the next days cycling, as it turned out we all had a great days cycling with Flo and Mairead getting over 50 miles and John and myself doing 70. That evening we went John and Mairead’s to plan some of what we would do in Spain and Mairead served up a nice meal washed down with some of the new cider we discovered in Man Friday’s.

Monday night we arranged to meet with Karen for another walk, on a very warm evening Lotti had one of her longest walks in years, and we enjoyed Karen conversation and arranged for her to visit in October.

22nd we drove back home and the weather just kept getting better 28c in the car on the way up. The rest of the month was pretty quite, we managed a walk on the Bangor Coastal path to Crawfordsburn and back about 6 miles, I think we will have to try Lotti here next.