Bloody Bridge Donard & Glen River Walk

🏷 walk

Piss poor morning but the weather forecast said it would improve. Looking from our bedroom window I could see Donard, so we took a punt and off we went.

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Caught the Bus to Bloody Bridge (£2.00pp one way) and started walking, this time we found the easier path to the Quarry, once at the Quarry the going get slightly harder under foot until you reach the wall. Once at the wall the hard stuff begins this time I crossed the wall as under foot it was much better, nearing the top the wall has collapsed and boulders are strewn across the mountain so I crossed back over the wall and continued to the summit, to be joined by Flo about 30 mins later.

The walk down to the car park via the Glenn river was not so bad except for the swarms of midges which attacked us as soon as we stopped. Great day out topped off testing Lyns fish and chips on the way home.