McCool Hikers

🏷 walking

McCool Hikers Day 1

After meeting G&H on Friday evening we stayed with Judi and did some catching up.

Sat morning was dull windy and very mild 18c at 07:30, after breakfast we headed into Phoenix park heavy traffic and going the wrong way meant we where late and missed the group arrival, however after much searching we gave up and went and watched the start of the race.

As the rain started on cue at 09.55 we watched the race start, we then moved down to mile 6 where we finally saw Garth then Helena. The three of us wandered around to the coffee shop and enjoyed a nice coffee and cake in the dry archway.

We then found Garth at the Papal Cross and slowly we caught up with the rest of the group.

Because the weather was so nasty we decided not to go back to Dublin and just head home.

Enjoying a pint with Garth

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McCool Hikers Day 3

Very wet when we arrived in Castle Ward, but the McCool Hikers bus driver got lost and by the time they arrived the rain had cleared to scattered cloud and it became nice and warm.

This played into our hands as it was dry for Flo’s Tea and Coffee.

Due to the late arrival we had to shorten today’s walk so we followed the perimeter walk part way and then cut off and came straight back to the house.

McCool Hikers Day 4

A successful days walk from Bloody Bridge to Donnard Park, warm and sunny with a brutal wind but clear sky ensured we had great views of the surrounding mountains. Only one incident when one of the girls fell on hair face and cut her chin, chipped a tooth and loosened another one, this happened early on the walk but fortunately she was able to continue. Some of the group found today to be quite challenging, which is pretty much what we intended.

For those not up to Donnard Flo took a group up the River walk out of Newcastle and they then spent some time in Newcastle.

We finished the day with a lovely meal in the Slieve Donnard Hotel

McCool Hikers Day 5

Belfast Castle just got here and quick coffee then everyone left. We collected G&H at the Titanic Center and went to Holywood and lunch in Camphill then back home for a lazy afternoon. Dropped G&H Back at Juries around 20:30.

McCool Hikers Day 6

Group Photo Holywood

Parked in Holywood and joined up with the group and we set off to Bangor, the pace was brisk today which was nice. The wind was on our backs which was just as well as it was very strong.

Stopped in Crawfordsburn Country Park for a coffee and a break where we bumped into Paul Ferguson and this two Children so we did a bit of catching up with him before setting off again to Bangor.

We made good time, so I headed off to the train to collect Blu and the group went to make a donation to the Samaritans Then back to Ards for Fish and Chips.

McCool Hikers Day 7

Arrived Carrick-a-Rede just before the Bus at 09:30. The hikers all disappeared over to the rope bridge while we took it easy in the coffee shop. It was 11:30 before all our group was ready to go walking, with some people heading to Bushmills Distillery, so only 10 of us headed off on the Causeway Coastal Path.

A bit cooler today but ideal for walking, cool to start and warming up as the day went on and lots of sun. The pace was nice and easy which suited nicely, we stopped for a quick break in Dunseverick Harbour, and then on to The Giants Causeway. Lotti seemed to have good day as well running between Flo and I and trying to round up the group.

We had a quick stop on the way home at the Dark Hedges for the Game of Thrones fans.

McCool Hikers Day 8

Final meeting with the group as they are off back to Dublin later this morning. So we joined them in Stormont where some where taking part in the Park Run, 5km around Stormont. In Total 144 runners took part with Garth coming in 4th and Gail was the first lady so another successful event.

Gail First Lady

McCool Hikers Day 9

They have gone, picking Garth and Helena up at Dublin Airport 11:00 and heading home with a stop off at Kathleen’s and Fiona’s then Chain Reaction Cycles.