Back in Spain

🏷 spain travel

Nearly here a week and in some ways it’s like we never left. Suttle changes here and their, a house painted, a building completed hedges replanted. One thing very obvious is how green it has become, Spain has had some unusual weather of late, snow in Murcua heavy rain in Valencia and the upside if this lots of growth. {{ more }}

All ready we have enjoyed a few spins on our bikes and hopefully many more to come. Clean dry road’s and a maintained surface make it so much more convivial to cycling. Flo has even been shopping on her bike.

John left us some jobs to do, so we made a start to the crazy paving.

First attempt at crazy paving

We’re looking forward to the Keanes arriving next Sunday 9th April. Flo is planning on all of us walking to Alborache for a coffee, so we still have to reconnoitre the route on our MTB’s