Camping Rio Turia

🏷 spain travel cycling

Camping Rio Turia Day 1

Arrived 15.00 to find the place quite busy and the pool filled as promised.

Set Blu up in a nice shaded site.

Rio Turia Rio Tura

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Enjoyed a beer over looking the river and watched a pair of Swallows feeding in the roof of the bar. Walked through Bugarra just to get our bearings for tomorrow.

Camping Rio Turia Day 2

Slept late and after breakfast we walked into Bugarra for a coffee and a toastada and then beer. We walked back along the river Turia only to find the park jammed with people enjoying the river swimming, boating etc.

After dinner we had a drink in the bar Kastigo and an ice cream, Lotti even found a friend to keep her amused.

Camping Rio Turia Day 3

Went on a Flo inspired walk all ok untill we got to the trig point when Flo thought we could cut the walk short as Lotti was hot (she has been diving into any shade she can find). Naturally this turned in to a bit of an epic with us ending up in Pedralba by the river Lotti emeditaly lay down in the river, once in the town we grabbed a coffee and walked back the main road, still a good day some awesome views.

Camping Rio Turia Day 4

Today we went for a drive after our exertions of yesterday we thought Lotti would prefer to be driven rather than walk.

Flo needed a post office and the closest one was in Villar del Arzobispo, once the post was taken care of we started looking for a coffee shop after walking through most of the town choices where limited so we stopped in bar los Angeles for a tostada.

We then drove to a dam at Embalse de Loriguilla where we saw an air rescue Helicopter doing it’s thing on the lake once on the dam the views were impressive.

Rescue Helicopter Rescue Helicopter

Losa del Obispo then on to Chulilla another nice well cared for village , on to Bodega Vanacloig and bacteria to Bugarra with a stop fuente la Hortezuela to watch the dragon flies.

Dradon Fly Dragon Fly

Camping Rio Turia Day 5

Got up late and after breakfast went into town for water and pastry. When we all walked to Gestalar although Lotti didn’t want to come.

The first bar only had coffee and magdalenas, a quick top up here and a walk round town and we found the Cooperativa Agricola de San Blas where we got some tostadas and beer.

On the way back we stopped a couple of times for Lotti to cool down once she lay down in a river while I through water over her.

Camping Rio Turia Day 6

After breakfast we drove to Casinos in search of coffee and a mirror for lens fitting. Successful in both departments with the add bonus of some nice cookies to accompany coffee.

Now ready for lunch off we went to Vilamarxant , Flo found parking and together we came across a small square with quite a few eateries selecting one we ordered a selection. After lunch Flo bought some provisions while Lotti and I checked out Speed Bike couple of nice bikes and some kit.

Bar Music to night for a coffee and a beer Flo got herself a glass of wine.

Camping Rio Turia Day 7

Lateish breakfast then into town for Flo to have her breakfast in Kastigo while I had a Bon Bom.

Put the tarp up as it has been raining on and off with the threat of thunderstorm later.

Rain on and off all day got a quick walk up the river with Lotti to look at the fishing competition turned out not much to see. Got back before the thunderstorm started and they rumbled on off all evening.

Camping Rio Turia Day 8

Up and at them early this morning got breakfast did some packing then into Bugarra to get breakfast for Flo. Tidy up the last few things and we are on our way back to Altury.

Got back on time to get rid of the lodgers house in good condition, just our washing to do, and relax.

Camping Rio Tura Camping Rio Tura