Flix - Catalunya

🏷 spain flix

Can’t believe I am writing this with only 5 days of our 6 weeks left, where has the time gone, it just disappears when you are enjoying yourself.

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Punta De láguila 8th Aug
Flo got a walking map of the area around Asco from the tourist office. One of the walks starting at the Hermita Santa Paulina appealed to us both, so we download the gpx file to wikiloc and off we went.

Hermita Santa Paulina Hermita Santa Paulina

The walk started easily enough, but once we had reached the summit descending towards the Rio Ebro was tricky and in some places we where scrambling on a very narrow and steep ridge which was quite difficult, but the views where stunning as was the wildlife. Lots of butterflies and 3 Black Kites. Once we got down onto the GR-99 it became significantly easier although the heat was intense.

Patrick’s Miravet Loop 17th Aug
Up early and departed 07:30 so that Patrick could avoid the worst of the heat. Miravet is on the banks of the Rio Ebro and is very picturesque. Once we organise the bikes we where ready to head off on our spin so off we went. The route was very good with only one long steep climb and a great decent, this was one of the prettier cycles we have done. Once back in Miravet we enjoyed lunch on the banks of the river Ebro, all in all a great day.

The Inside Outside Meander
Parked Blu at the ferry and crossed over to the outer meander which we successfully navigated stopped for a coffee and toast then continued on to the inner meander. Straight away it didn’t look as well maintained and eventually we came to a dead end here we had to continue through the hotel back to Flix where we picked up the meander back to the ferry. A bit of a disappointment but still a good days walking. Unfortunately the town was all closed up and Flo couldn’t get her Haledo but we went to the Bonpreu and purchased a large tub of Hagen Daz.

Sunday Mountain Biking
Since arriving in Spain on Sundays Flo and I have gone Mountain Biking. We have kept doing this here in Flix and have discovered some good routes, Sebes and the Hermita and La Granadella all off road and mostly rideable with no extream stuff, I will miss this when we go home.