
🏷 france

Didn’t leave Chinon until 11:45 after the Obligatory Coffee with the Lyttles, called into the Camper Van dealer but it was closed for lunch.

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Stopped in McDonald’s for lunch and an emergency stop in Valet for Flo and once more at an Aire. We arrive 18:00 at the Flower Camping Le Conleau setup ate our tea walked Lotti, watched Ozark and bed.

Still raining when we got up but very light. Took Lotti to the vet for her injection to return home, then headed to Barneville.

Leisurely drive up walked round the harbour with Lotti and discovered we couldn’t get into the Aire so picked a place to eat this evening called La Kalakiki, then we would go to the Carrefour to sleep. Note to self do not park at the loading bay, trucks unloading between 01:00 and 04:00.