
🏷 travel spain

Arrive on time even after the delay while sick person got off loaded. Picked up the hire car and just waiting for Garth and Darel to arrive.

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Checked in at the hotel and built our bikes. Quite impressed with the facilities and the location of the hotel. Food was good tonight.

Lluc clockwise Sun 8th

After breakfast Garth and I set for Lluc, traffic was very heavy but we soon got onto quieter roads once through Sa Pobla. We headed off to Bugarra Selvage etc and then the climb to Lluc where we where to stop for coffee, arriving just as Flo and Darel arrived. Unfortunately Flo had a little mishap while parking. The place was jumping with a Band playing and rides for the children. Garth and I zoomed down the decent to Port a Polenta while Flo and Darel explored the walks around Lluc.

Cap de Formentor Mon 9th

Took the car back for a replacement then called into Decathlon grabbed a coffee and headed back to Porta Polenca.

Quick change and off to Cap de Formentor, once again cars everywhere turned at the lighthouse and meet Flo and Darel and left them to go to the lighthouse.

Ermita Santa Magdalena Tue 10th

After a couple of excursions off road our plans came to gether and we discovered this great route on mainly quite roads. Stopped off for a coffee in Sa Pobla,unfortunately the original cake shop has closed down.

Ermita Santa Magdalena Ermita Santa Magdalena

Sa Calobra Wed 11th

Just getting ready to go and collect Flo’s bike then she head’s off for Sa Calobra.

We just caught Flo before the decent to Sa Calobra, stuck behind a bus all the way down, the assent wasn’t too bad just lots of other cyclists and cars.

Sa Calobra Flo looking good on Sa Calobra

Waited for Flo in the cafe at the top and we decented to the aqua duct together then we called into Lluc and finished the ride at our own pace.

Sa Calobra Sa Calobra

Ermita Santa Magdalena re-visited 12th Thur

Successful spin this morning navigated our way to the Hermita where Garth went his way and Flo and I climbed the hill and luckily the coffee shop was open. We then return and found how to return via the coast avoiding Alcudia.

The group has just arrived so left Garth to sort that out. Then while getting Helens bike she arrived.