Cork Wedding

🏷 cork

This has been a strange month, severe weather for much of the Southern half of the Island and most of England, while we escaped pretty much untouched.

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We have had two trips to Cork this month the first was to see Mairead and possibly cycle with John, however the weather scuppered the cycling.

Called with John and Mairead on the Thursday evening (8th) with the intention of calling again on Friday, only to find Mairead has been taken into Hospital. So Flo managed to see her on Sat and Sun before we returned home on Sun evening. Unfortunately Mairead seems much worse.

This trip we stayed in Cobh and Eddy performed as expected apart from the squeek,which will be fixed on the 14th when she gets a habitation Service.

The weekend of the 16th saw us out to May and Carole on Friday night then up to Ballymena on Saturday with the McCosh’s and the Perry’s.

Got a few miles of cycling on Mon, Tue and Wednesday with the intention of getting ready for France Wednesday afternoon and evening, however we heard that Mairead was getting married on Thursday so we left 20:00 and arrived with Karin at 01:45.

The next day Mairead was moved to Merry Mount for palative care, Flo and I where able to visit her in the afternoon and she seemed somewhat better. Later we went out with John to the Chinese in Cobh as a kind of wedding celebration.