France and Belgium

🏷 travel france belgium

Saturday and we finally arrived in Kilrane and meet Frank and Catherine for lunch in Kellys, on Sunday I managed a cycle, meeting everyone for coffee in Karoo. Then at 18:00 we boarded the boat for Cherbourg

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Enjoyed a lovely sunny drive to Dives-Sur-Mer, where we stopped for the night in an Aire near the town.

A Stinking wet day so after a late breakfast we drove to Bapaume and parked up in the Aire bang in the center of town, a quick visit to the tourist office and the plans are in place for tomorrow.

Change of plans still pissing down so we’re off to Arras and the Wellington Tunnels. After a navigation malfunction we got to the Tunnels and took the to our which was very interesting. A quick walk around the town while there is a break in the weather and we’re back in and settled down for the night.

A better day and back on plan off to Thiepval Memorial / Museum very though prevoking and striking structure. Then we walked to the Ulster Tower which has it’s sister in Ards. Next we drove to Tournai and our camp site at L’Orient

Today (30th) we decided we would cycle to the Kwaremont ride some cobbles. The spin out via the canel towpath was nice. We even saw Vinchenso Niball and team. On the way back we spoke with Shane Farren.