Ronde Van Vlaanderen

🏷 travel cycling race

Up early and a brisk walk to the train station for the first leg of our journey to Ode Kwaremont for the Tour of Flanders.

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All the trains where spot on and we arrived in Oudenaarde in good time for the bus to the course as we where waiting it poured down and looked set for the day but by the time we got to the Kwaremont it was dry for the rest of the day.

Peter Sagan Peter Sagan

Massive amounts of people making it hard to get near the racing but once the men passed on their first lap the crowds cleared and we got right on the barriers for the womans race and the men’s second lap.

Quick-Step Quick-Step doing the business

We had a long wait for the bus back to Oudenaarde and only just caught the train by seconds.

Flo starred once again with her planing of the trains 6 in total, and Lotti was also very good.

Peter Sagan Peter Sagan