
🏷 travel

After spending an expensive hour in Fashion for Cycling super store we left Belgium to spend a few days in The Netherlands, arriving at Recreatiepark Duinhoeve Udenhout around 16:00

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Once again Flo produced a super meal which for the first time we where able to eat outside with our awning up.

On Sunday we managed a ride around the National Park De Loose en Drunense, it was jammed packed with people mainly on bikes all in their Sunday best, us lycra clad cyclists in the minority.

Monday I went out for a spin between three larger towns 99% on bike paths, passed a couple of schools as they where getting out nearly all riding bikes, why not when is so safe as you’re separated from the worst of the traffic.

Tuesday 10th and we have moved to Woudenberg. Got a nice 40 miles in with Flo on nicer roads using the Fietsnetwerk app which uses numbered nodes to route you around the countryside. I spotted a Woodpecker on a tree by the roadside to day.

Radio KootwijkRadio Kootwijk

Staying near Beekbergen, Flo and I cycled to Radio Kootwijk a transmitter set up after WW1 in the art deco style and we got our coffee in De Garage, then we looped up to Apeldoorn and back to the Camp grounds nice ride, although the terrain is getting a bit samey. We passed a village called Lieren where they have preserved the old train station of Beekbergen and some great steam trains

Beekbergen Train Station Beekbergen Train Station

Solo spin today but still met with Flo to see the locomotive arrive at Beekbergen Station.