
🏷 travel germany


Our plan was to stay in an aire by a camping shop while the shop was excellent the aire wasn’t so we moved on to Ladenburg.

We stayed in an aire here about 1.5km from the town center. Wandered into the town for a beer and to check the bus times to Heidelberg for tomorrow.

Ladenburg Ladenburg {{ more }}

We made a cock up with the bus but we got their eventually. Heidelberg is a nice city built in a Valley by a river with a castle high on a hill over looking both.

It’s a University town with lots of tourests many of them Chinese.

Nice to see in a city this size that the bycycle Is the main mode of transport.Once again we have been lucky with the weather Writing this after tea sitting outside in the sun.

Heidelberg Heidelberg

Wed 9th

Moved on to Stuttgart to visit Flo’s friend Miriam. Flo spent Some time with Miriam while I looked after Lotti.

Thur 10th

We Visited the Mercedes-Benz museum, which was very good and well 10€ entry fee. The we drove to Blaubeuren where the weather finally broke with some heavy rain and quite cold. Parked in a Medow as the aire was being refairbished at a cost of free.

Fri 11th

Walked around the blue pond which was nice quite picturesque, deep blue in colour and around 30 metres deep. Blue Pond Blue Pond

We drove onto Kressbronn which was packed and not particular nice, so we move on to Stockach which turned out to be rather nice. Thursday was a bank holiday here so basically a long weekend not unlike home everywhere jointed.

Sat 12

Planed a cycle going in land and comming back along the lake cycle path all was ok untill I hit the lake then it was Pandaemonium body’s every where. Finally made it home. Lots of cycle paths here is great.

Sun 13th

Flo got a spin in before the weather got really bad.

Mon 14th

Drove our planned cycle as the weather was cold and wet, went into Switzerland and stopped in a place called Stein am Rhein nice town with murals on the buildings.

Stein am Rhein Stein am Rhein