
🏷 travel france

Drove back into France today. We finally relented and used the toll roads what a difference it made much better surface no where near as tiring, but a bit hard on the pocket at €55

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Not long after crossing the border the rain started and the temperature dropped then to make things worse the aire we had hoped to stay at in Briançon was being used as Fairground, another 5km up the road and we found an aire in Le Villard-Late St Chaffery.

Le Villard-Late St Chaffery Le Villard-Late St Chaffery

Moving on again we arrived in Bourg d’Oisan only to find a big event on on Alpe d`Huez our chosen camp site was full, once again 2km up the road in Allemont we found Camping Le Grand Clame.

Lovely site in a valley just below the Lac de Verney we enjoyed a nice meal in one of the local restaurants and a couple of beers.

On Friday I cycled Alpe Alpe d’Huez as did Flo then on Saturday I cycled Col de la Croix de Fer hard old climb especially after yesterday.

Flo Alpe Alpe d’Huez Flo Alpe Alpe d’Huez

On Sunday 10th we headed off to Annecy lovely day and a very nice drive but on arrival at Annecy the place was packed and the Aire in the town unsuitable so we moved on to La Balme-de Sillingy an Aire beside a lake with a bar where we enjoyed some ice cream. only one night here and we moved on to Moulins which turned out to be a bit of a trek due to a diversion which took us miles out of our way on pissy old day. Arrived in Moulins and just stayed one night driving straight to Chinon the next day.

We had a nice week in Chinon did some cycling both with Flo and on my own. The weather was slightly better if a bit mixed over the course of the week we could see the level of the river falling. took Lotti to the vets for worming etc for the boat home.

Richelieu Richelieu

Before the water level dropped Before the water level dropped

After the water level dropped After the water level dropped

Flo wanted to stop in Granville but the Aire was full so we drove on up the coast to St Martin Brehal and stayed in an Aire and had too many beers in a local pub. Next day back to Cherbourg for the boat home.

Spent Thursday nignt in Rosslare and on Friday 22nd went to Waterford to visit Flo’s aunt Shelia the we drove home.

Wednesday 27th 17:55 Auntie Carole Died