November Doubts

🏷 spain

Well this was a funny month…

Finished our UK leg of the trip and took the Channel Tunnel to France. A shortish drive to Rouen and our first Aire, then a long day to Sadroc and a nice quite Aire in a very small village, very cold here. Up over the Pyrenees into Andorra were we spent the night in a very cold car park. Up early got some very cheap fuel and on to Spain, back to Asco for old times and at least it was warmer and sunny here. Went to the Hotel for lunch and were lucky to get a space in the Aire which filled rapidly. On the road for 10:00 and we made good time to Montroy were we collected the keys for the house and started to get settled in, between the rain.

We have been here for a few days now done some cycling etc. weather has been pretty poor rain and very windy, woke the other morning to the sound of water leaking through the bedroom ceiling, then the electric went off due I think to the ingress of water, luckily we got this fixed quickly.

I don’t think the house was what we expected, the garden is a mess, and the house very damp, and neither of us in in great form and things just don’t feel Wright. The owner has been good in that all the major issue have been fixed I think we need time to adjust.

Bussed into Torrent for some retail therapy and bought a sim card for my phone as GiffGaff our revoking my roam at home, successful day.

On the plus Lotti has been doing well but does not really get on with the resident dog Maxi