Volta a la Comunitat Valenciana

🏷 cycling spain

Up early for us and on the road for 09:00 to get to Pedralba for around 10:00 so we have time to find a good parking spot for Eddy.

We soon found an acceptable spot on hill and just after a bend, between Pedralba and Bugarra, we quickly setup found good locations to take our pics. We then got down to the important matter of coffee and to await the arrival of the race.

Loads of Guarda Civil motor cycles and offical cars then the breakaway arrive not looking too stressed with only 30km of the race completed, the about 3 minutes later the remainder of the peloton passed quite leisurely enjoying the sun and the easy pace. Next all the team cars rushed by and suddenly it was all over.

Geraint Thomas Geraint Thomas

Edvald Boasson Hagen Edvald Boasson Hagen in the Yellow Jersey