Ready for Rental

🏷 ards

We flew to Dublin on Monday 30th and Flo’s brother Harry met us at the Airport with Kaths car, we then made good speed to Newtownards an settle in to get ready for the week ahead.

While Flo went to her Italian class I went to the Dentist to discover I need root cannal treatment. On returning home I made a start on packing and getting rid of excess clothing and electronics. In The afternoon we signed with Read Rains the agent who will manage the house rental they suggested a charge of £725 and they take 7% +vat.

On Wednesday we continued in the same vain with a trip out to get a cooker only to find when they came to fit it there was no cable to the socket and the socket also next needed changing. We acquired a socket in screwfix and arranged for Marty to fit it and change the heating timer. Also made quite a few trips to the dump.

Thursday was a bit frantic, with an eye test and Marty fitted the Cooker & Heating timer. Romas for lunch then a visit with May and later we called with the Perry’s. Colin was good enough to volunteered to take our rubbish to the dump on Sunday.

Friday was a mad day of packing, finished the office which took most of the day and we moved on to the spare room. Early evening we had been invited to Marty & Pam’s for a barby, very enjoyable evening.

Saturday we never stopped took stuff to the dump and charity shop then pack, pack, pack until midnight. Sunday 09:30 Colin lifted our rubbish and we moved every thing from the house to the Garage and a 15:15 we left for Dublin . On our way to Dublin we called with Michael and Jenny to see their new baby Gabriel, who was Just born on Sat. Off to Harry & Kath to leave back the car and bit of bit of Crack and some of lovely food, Harry was good enough to take us to the airport hotel in his new VW all electric car.

Monday was an early start to get to the and allow enough time to get through security as there was terrible delays the previous week. Everything went at as planned and we arrived home to blue skys and bright sunshine. Just to unwind now.