Garth's Visit

🏷 spain cycling

Due to the greed of airlines, airports etc Garth’s flight to Montreal was cancelled, luckily he was able to get it rebooked for the next day and Helena got his return extended by one day. One day late but on time Garth finally arrived in Valencia. We took him to Bonaire for lunch then home to build his bike.

As Garth’s visit coincided with a heat wave we decide to cycle every other day and walk or go shopping on non cycling days this worked well, and we also enjoyed son=me great coffee stops.

Lucked out with our trip to Valencia as it is a holiday and the City was very quite making it great for a bit of sight seeing. Big stores where open and all the coffee shops, we had e very nice time in city.

Summer Solstice Garth and I went for early walk but as luck would have it, it was too cloudy to see the sun rise.

Garth’s visit ended all too soon (27th). Flo and I dropped him at the airport which wasn’t too busy, we arrived home to a massive thunder storm with rain and hail.

Great having to him here very relaxed and easy. Planning and return trip next march with Helena,