
🏷 italy

San Candido

The aire was just a car park but the town was quite nice and it only cost €3. Just one night and a coffee here then on to Arco

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Arco Sun 20th

Busy roads today on single carriage way with a few dogy passing manoeuvres arrived at the aire around 14:45 in blazing hot sun and the place was packed. Walked around the old town and then up to the castle. Back into the town for a beer, lots of MTB,s and climbers in the bars.


Riva del Garda Mon 25th

Riva del GardaRiva del Garda

Flo wanted to visit here as the Last time she was here it was with Florence Sr and the painting/Italian class. We then drove along the lake side and on to Iseo and camping Cavelo on Lago d’Iseo.

Iseo Tue 22

Rained on and off all morning so I pottered about upgrade Fedora. Later when the rain eased we walked into town to suss out the Giro finish and have a beer.

Giro d’Italia

Flo and I left about 14.00 for to days stage 17 finish. Big crowds quickly gathered for the two circuits, and the finish line was heaving. While waiting for peloton to arrive on their first pass through we were worrying about getting sunburn before they could complete a circuit the heavens opened and we got soaked. Still Viviani took the win closely followed by Sam Bennett. Completely soaked and frozen by the time we got back.

Viviani took the win closely followed by Sam BennettViviani took the win closely followed by Sam Bennett

Giro d’ItaliaGiro d’Italia

Great view of the ISS directly over head tonight.

Lago d’Iseo

Finally got a cycle in, complete lap of the lake really enjoyed it quite quiet and very picturesque. Then to finish the day off properly a meal in the Campsite restaurant, with a blues accompaniment.

Lago d’IseoLago d’Iseo

Fri 25th

Off again to San Muro Mare with a stop for the night in Mirandola, an aire by the town cemetery all free including water and electricity. Wandered in to town for a beer as it was blistering hot then home and another view of the ISS.

Sat 26 San Mauro Mare

Pleasant drive through some nice villages, however the roads are terrible and make driving very tiring don’t know how Flo can be bothered.

Been a long time since I was here much the same slightly more built up lots of traffic. But the place is a mess litter all over weeds growing in the pavement and roundabout overgrown.

Mon 28th Cesenatico

Looked up a bike shop Cicli Boghetta which we first used many years ago nice to see it is still in business but different premises, Flo got a nice pair of sunglasses.

Quick spin to Cesenatico for old time sake much nicer here a bit more up market. Even looked at the Hotel Beau Soleil still open and selling bike Hols.

Cesenatico Cesenatico

San Muro Mare

After Cesenatico we move closer to San Marino and are staying in Centro Vacanze San Marino Camping Village, mainly so we can get the bus into San Marino tomorrow.

San MarinoSan Marino

Got the bus at 10.05 and explored San Marino, another tourists trap grabbed a coffee and wandered around nice place with super views. One could buy any type of gun, knife, crossbow, sword and sunglasses.


Called in to Valintio Rossi home town, we all got coffee in his bar then shopped in his store. Flo was luckily enough to get a photo with Uccui his long time partner.

Tavullia Tavullia


We continued on to Scarlino on the west coast lots of Driving on terrible roads made for a very tiring day, then we arrived at Vallicel Village Camping and first impressions where not good.

Flo calmed the waters and we stayed, turned out ok, and the cycling was much better.

In fact I got some good spins in and possibly one of the hardest with 20% gradents on one stretch.

Castiglione Della Pescaia

Castiglione Della Pescaia Castiglione Della Pescaia

Another trip down memory lane Flo and I came here many years ago and for once it was nice to come back, not huge changes and the town has managed to keep it’s character, we would both come back. The nature reserve was just the same.