Garth and Helena Visit

🏷 family

2019-11-07 Garth and Helena arrive today up early to get to the airport for 09:05 arrival. The flight was on time but unfortunately their bikes didn’t make it, so after a lot of hanging around we where told they would be on the 14:00 flight from Zurich and we could collect them at 16:00.

Sticking with the plan we went to Bonaire for some groceries and a coffee then home.

Garth and I went back to the airport and collected the bikes. Once home we rebuilt the bikes had our tea and walked to Real for a coffee in Isabella Pasteleria.

2019-11-09 Fivamel Festival and Chinese. After our morning cycle we wandered down to the honey festival in Montroy. We got our timing right not too many people just enough for some atmosphere. Lots and lots of honey and foodstuffs along with some alcohol Flo for honey Helena and I purchased some booze.

Garth and Helena stayed at home while Flo and I went to the Chinese and meet up with the others.

2019-11-14 Wind Causes Havoc. Intended to do Dos Aguas today but the wind was just too strong, it was quite dangerous with nasty cross winds. We decided to stop at Godaletta and come home. Flo and Helena managed to complete their run although they got caught in a shower.

2019-11-20 spent the day in Valencia doing the tourist attractions, Garth and Helena bought lunch in Oslo Vegetarian Restaurant which was very nice. Once again we took the metro from Torrent this makes trips to the city very easy.

2019-11-21 Flo off to Newtownards and G&H are going to take her to the airport, then they will look at 1/2 marathon course in Elche which they may run next March.

2019-11-27 Visited Montanejos and the hot springs, Flo Went in for a paddle. Lunch in the local Tapas Bar was particularly good.

2019-11-29 It’s Valencia Marathon this weekend so off we went the Expo which turned out to be very good.

G&H`s visit has come to an end, it was great having them and a nice cycling together, looking forward to March next year to see them again.