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Having set a date to return we we are now biting our nails in case their are any more delays with the roof.

Roof FinishedRoof Finished

The roof has been finished, now we are frantically doing lots of jobs in preparation of returning home on the 17th. Even with our tight schedule we snuck in a quick visit to see Maxi and Naama, Maxi was doing well and happy too see us.

Not knowing what to expect travelling north we pre booked all our stop overs, to some degree this put us on a tight schedule but I am sure we will manage. Once we dismantled the solar panels and locked up we where on the road for 11:30.

After a coffee and then a fuel stop we arrived in Urdos at 19:15, great site on the French Pyrenees in a narrow valley very dark and excellent for star gazing.


Up and off at 09:30 another long days driving arriving at Camping Le Martin Pechur near Nort, what I didn’t expect was the temperature 34c and we had no chair to sit out and enjoy it.

Camping L’Esperance at 16:25 a bit cooler here being on the coast, Lotti enjoyed a walk on the beach the first in over a year. Nice site recent refurb enjoyed chips in the bar.

Leisurely drive to the ferry terminal, and eventually on to the boat, due to covid-19 we spent most of our time in the cabin watching movies only leaving for food and check on Lotti.

Once we arrived in Dublin Flo took us straight to Harry and Caths for a long over due vist, good thing to as they where about to enter a stricter lockdow and visiting would be a no no.

Uneventful drive home stopping in Tesco for much need grocery shopping and on to our 14 day isolationi.

Once our isolation was finished I got appointments with the Dentist and optician, one tooth removed and new glasses ordered.